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A Long Journey

Update on April 15, 2024

App Info

badge NameA Long Journey
sports_esports CategoryVisual Novel
store PublisherPatreon expand_more
history Version0.8.1
dataset_linked Get It OnPatreon
cards OS SupportAndroid, Win

App Screenshots

A Long Journey screenshot 1A Long Journey screenshot 2A Long Journey screenshot 3

App Description

A Long Journey is a visual novel game with role-playing elements, the setting takes place in the future, where people want to explore new planets.


Introducing A Long Journey

The game is set in the future, where the world is becoming harsh for human life, and a corporation called Hawkink Tech has created the first colonial ships to explore new planets. .

The game’s protagonist is a software engineer who has chosen to risk his life and become a colonist to start a new society on a distant planet. However, something goes wrong and he wakes up too soon from his frozen slumber, to find himself alone on the giant empty ship.

The story of the game revolves around the protagonist’s journey to find a way to escape the ship, and he soon discovers that he is not alone. He meets a young woman with fiery red hair with whom he must overcome the challenges they face. The story of the game is full of twists and turns, and the player must discover the next story and make decisions for the protagonist.

The visuals of the game are top notch, with beautifully designed character models and environments that will transport players to vast empty spaces. The game’s music and sound design is also excellent, adding to the overall immersive experience of the game.

One of the game’s strengths is the branching storyline, which is influenced by the player’s decisions. Player choices have consequences, and they can lead to different outcomes, adding replay value to the game.

Download A Long Journey latest version for Android, Mac, Win

In a nutshell, A Long Journey is a well-written and beautifully visual novel game with role-playing elements. The game’s story is engaging and the branching story offers replay value. The game’s music and sound design add to the immersive experience, making it a must-play for fans of the genre.

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Editor's Rating

Story (8/10)

Core Loop (5/10)

Gameplay (8/10)

Visual (7/10)


Final Score

This is a personal assessment, you can experience and score according to your own way of thinking. Leave your review in the comments section below.

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Visual Novel Visual Novel
Simulation Simulation
Adventure Adventure
Dating Dating
Puzzles Puzzles
Strategy Strategy
Racing Racing
Sport Sport
Windows Windows
Android Android
Mac Mac