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The Button

Update on February 26, 2024

App Info

badge NameThe Button
sports_esports CategoryVisual Novel
store PublisherPatreon expand_more
history Version0.0.6
dataset_linked Get It OnPatreon
cards OS SupportAndroid, Mac, Win

App Screenshots

The Button screenshot 1The Button screenshot 2The Button screenshot 3The Button screenshot 4

App Description

With its captivating visual novel role-playing game world built around a mystical watch, The Button takes players on an adventure unlike any other. Players are placed in the role of a 40-year-old guy whose life is everything from average as they immerse themselves in the game’s story.


Introducing The Button

An enigmatic visitor gives the protagonist a watch-like wrist gadget, which is important to the game. Known only as The Button, this gadget gives its operator the incredible power to change the course of any circumstance with the press of a button. But there’s a catch: pressing The Button once every four months will shorten the user’s lifetime.

The protagonist’s connections are intricate and diverse, encompassing his three separate children, his bitter ex-wife, a group of strange friends and coworkers, and more. In this setting, players face a succession of perilous situations, each of which gives them a chance to control The Button and alter the story’s trajectory.

The Button is appealing because it puts the spotlight on player agency and decision-making. Players are required to consider the outcomes of their decisions and figure out the best way to proceed in every scenario. Will they fix previous errors, grab chances, or just play about with The Button? They have the freedom to choose, but there is a cost associated with each press of The Button.

The detailed details and atmospheric design of the protagonist’s environment are brought to life by the game’s compelling artwork, which visually captivates. Every scenario is carefully designed to engross players in the story, transporting them to a world brimming with mystery, tension, and ethical quandaries.

Download The Button latest version for Android, Mac, Win

Finally, The Button is an expertly made visual novel that delves deep into the themes of free will and repercussions while providing players with an engrossing story experience. It claims to enthrall gamers and hold their attention throughout thanks to its fascinating idea, fun gameplay, and deep storyline.

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Editor's Rating

Story (8/10)

Core Loop (7/10)

Gameplay (8/10)

Visual (7/10)


Final Score

This is a personal assessment, you can experience and score according to your own way of thinking. Leave your review in the comments section below.

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Visual Novel Visual Novel
Simulation Simulation
Adventure Adventure
Dating Dating
Puzzles Puzzles
Strategy Strategy
Racing Racing
Sport Sport
Windows Windows
Android Android
Mac Mac