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Lust Hunter

Update on April 19, 2024
v0.11.0 Hotfix 2

App Info

badge NameLust Hunter
sports_esports CategoryRPG
store PublisherPatreon expand_more
history Version0.11.0 Hotfix 2
dataset_linked Get It OnPatreon
cards OS SupportAndroid, Mac, Win

App Screenshots

Lust Hunter screenshot 1Lust Hunter screenshot 2Lust Hunter screenshot 3

App Description

Lust Hunter is a role-playing game for you to carry out a noble mission, which is to bring love and happiness to the world cursed by witches.


Introduce about Lust Hunter

You are living in a beautiful world, full of love and lust. But things changed in an unpredictable way, making everything chaotic. When witches come to your world, they take all human emotions and desires. That makes human life boring and dull. No one has a desire or need for love anymore.

At that time, you are the one chosen to become the savior of the world. Only you can bring love and uplifting emotions back into this beautiful world. Your main task in this game is to fill all lust, which the people here are taken away by witches. And most importantly, you have to chase away witches and return peace to the world.

You will play the game through exploring the plot and making decisions that directly affect the ending of the story. You have to make choices to deal with the situations that arise. Each of the available choices takes you in a different direction in the story. Therefore, the game will have unexpected elements, not according to your speculation.

Download Lust Hunter latest version for Android, Mac, Win

Are you ready to be the man loved and adored by the whole world? Download the game Lust Hunter now, you will enjoy the thrilling story of love, and no less romantic.

Available Files

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Editor's Rating

Story (8/10)

Core Loop (5/10)

Gameplay (8/10)

Visual (7/10)


Final Score

This is a personal assessment, you can experience and score according to your own way of thinking. Leave your review in the comments section below.

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