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Update on April 15, 2024

App Info

badge NameSuperhuman
sports_esports CategoryVisual Novel
store PublisherPatreon expand_more
history Version0.982
dataset_linked Get It OnPatreon
cards OS SupportAndroid, Mac, Win

App Screenshots

Superhuman screenshot 1Superhuman screenshot 2Superhuman screenshot 3

App Description

Superhuman is a visual novel game that takes players on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as they become a special character with superhuman abilities. The game offers a unique and exciting experience, allowing players to make choices that will determine their fate in a world filled with supernatural creatures and challenges.


Introduce about Superhuman

The game begins with a thrilling chase scene in which the player character, an 18-year-old boy, is being chased by two supernatural monsters. After the chase, the player discovers that they themselves have become a super monster with the ability to transform. From this point on, players must navigate their new lives and learn to control and harness their powers.

The game offers a lot of freedom in terms of how players use their powers. They can use them for good or evil, or simply for fun. They can also use their powers to achieve their goals, whether it’s defeating monsters or gaining power and influence. The game has no right or wrong direction, allowing players the freedom to choose their own path.

One of the biggest challenges in the game is keeping the identity of the player character a secret. With more and more people gaining superpowers, it’s only a matter of time before others discover the player character’s abilities. Players must be careful not to reveal their true identity and must try to strengthen their strength to stay ahead of their opponents.

While the game’s plot, writing, and storytelling are impressive, the visual experience is one of the game’s weak points. The in-game illustrations are designed in a classic art style that may not be to everyone’s taste. However, this unique art style may appeal to some players who prefer a more classic and stylized style.

Download Superhuman latest version for Android, Mac, Win

Overall, Superhuman is a thrilling and engaging visual novel game that gives players the chance to discover their own superpowers and make the choices that determine their fate in a dangerous world. dangerous and supernatural creatures. While the visuals may not be for everyone, the game’s core loop and storytelling are strong enough to draw players in and entertain.

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Editor's Rating

Story (8/10)

Core Loop (7/10)

Gameplay (8/10)

Visual (5/10)


Final Score

This is a personal assessment, you can experience and score according to your own way of thinking. Leave your review in the comments section below.

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Visual Novel Visual Novel
Simulation Simulation
Adventure Adventure
Dating Dating
Puzzles Puzzles
Strategy Strategy
Racing Racing
Sport Sport
Windows Windows
Android Android
Mac Mac