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Update on February 22, 2024

App Info

badge NameVis
sports_esports CategoryVisual Novel
store PublisherPatreon expand_more
history Version2.0
dataset_linked Get It OnPatreon
cards OS SupportAndroid, Mac, Win

App Screenshots

Vis screenshot 1Vis screenshot 2Vis screenshot 3Vis screenshot 4

App Description

The graphically attractive and meticulously designed world of Vis transports players on an enthralling role-playing adventure that combines aspects of fantasy with political intrigue.


Introduce about Vis

Playing as the prince of Colonia, a newly formed country, players take on the role of leader in a world full of unpredictability and conflict. Your father, the king, rules with an iron grip, and the kingdom is on the verge of chaos as many groups fight for dominance.

Players are invited to join an epic journey that will determine the kingdom’s future and expand its power beyond its borders in this game. Each choice has consequences, shaping future events and ultimately deciding your empire’s destiny. A complicated web of relationships and betrayals awaits players as they negotiate diplomacy, warfare, and intrigue in their pursuit of securing their legacy.

Vis has stunning visuals that realistically and minutely bring the Colonian world to life. With breathtaking accuracy, every scene—from the grand palaces of the royal court to the expansive expanses of the kingdom—immerses players in a brilliant and colorful visual tapestry.

The realistic character designs are a striking aspect of the game since they give each character a unique personality and presence. Paying close attention to detail in the rendering of every character—from the royal family’s majestic attitude to the rough countenance of the kingdom’s warriors—enhances the immersion and draws players further into the tale.

Download Vis latest version for Android, Mac, Win

When it comes to visual novel-style role-playing games, Vis is head and shoulders above the competition. It provides players with an immersive experience that skillfully combines stunning graphics with captivating content. Vis will take players on an epic voyage of intrigue, conquest, and power in the kingdom of Colonia, complete with complex characters and a riveting story.

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Editor's Rating

Story (9/10)

Core Loop (9/10)

Gameplay (9/10)

Visual (9/10)


Final Score

This is a personal assessment, you can experience and score according to your own way of thinking. Leave your review in the comments section below.

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Visual Novel Visual Novel
Simulation Simulation
Adventure Adventure
Dating Dating
Puzzles Puzzles
Strategy Strategy
Racing Racing
Sport Sport
Windows Windows
Android Android
Mac Mac