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A Shot in the Dark

Update on June 8, 2023

App Info

badge NameA Shot in the Dark
sports_esports CategoryVisual Novel
store PublisherPatreon expand_more
history Version0.25
dataset_linked Get It OnPatreon
cards OS SupportAndroid, Mac, Win

App Screenshots

A Shot in the Dark screenshot 1A Shot in the Dark screenshot 2A Shot in the Dark screenshot 3

App Description

A Shot in the Dark APK is a visual novel role-playing game that takes you to experience a student’s life with exciting love affairs.


Introducing A Shot in the Dark

You get to play the role of a new college student. You always want to be an excellent student, study well. So living in a new environment has changed your life a lot. The first event was the mysterious disappearance of a schoolgirl. You will learn about this mysterious disappearance, and uncover the horrifying truths that follow.

During the game, you get to know many new characters. Those are all pretty girls. Everyone has their own beauty in terms of skin color, face, and hairstyle. And of course, their personalities are not the same. Your student life will revolve around relationships with those characters.

If you simply explore everyday stories at school, this game is quite bland. But A Shot in the Dark gives you the chance to date characters you get to know. Start from getting to know, chat and learn about the story of each of those characters. You then gradually increase your trust with them to flirt, and eventually date.

Download A Shot in the Dark latest version for Android, Mac, Win

As you know, the VN game genre is interesting in the plot, not the gameplay. And every decision you make has a big impact on what happens next. Therefore, you must consider carefully before making each of your choices. If you encounter difficult choices, think carefully to make the most optimal choice to facilitate your goals.

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Editor's Rating

Story (8/10)

Core Loop (7/10)

Gameplay (8/10)

Visual (9/10)


Final Score

This is a personal assessment, you can experience and score according to your own way of thinking. Leave your review in the comments section below.

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Visual Novel Visual Novel
Simulation Simulation
Adventure Adventure
Dating Dating
Puzzles Puzzles
Strategy Strategy
Racing Racing
Sport Sport
Windows Windows
Android Android
Mac Mac